
今天看完覺得,K探員才是真正的淡定哥ㄚ! 哈哈^^ 推薦給大家!!

MIB星際戰警3 (Men in Black 3)
演員:威爾史密斯【MIB星際戰警 1& 2】,湯米李瓊斯【MIB星際戰警 1& 2】,喬許布洛林【真實的勇氣】,艾瑪湯普森【哈利波特】
導演:巴瑞索尼費德【MIB星際戰警 1& 2】
劇情簡介:描述擔任MIB的J探員(威爾史密斯 飾),15年來經歷過各種詭異的遭遇,包括與各式各樣的異形交手。不過,沒有一件事情比沉默寡言的K探員(湯米李瓊斯 飾)更讓他覺得難以捉摸。然而當K探員的性命以及人類的未來遭受威脅,J探員必須回到過去,阻止這一切的發生。
J探員發現了K探員從未揭露過的秘密 , 在回到過去的時空裡,J探員將跟年少的K探員(喬許布洛林 飾)攜手試圖扭轉歷史,而未知的秘密也將一一被揭開...


↓MIB星際戰警3 - 預告片1. 但預告裡塗鴉牆那段,正式上映怎被剪掉了??

↓MIB星際戰警3 - 預告片2. 你老起來等很久囉~

↓MIB星際戰警3 - 預告片3.

↓MIB星際戰警3 - 精彩片段1 - 吳園餐廳篇.

↓MIB星際戰警3 - 精彩片段2 - 年輕K探員篇.

↓MIB星際戰警3 - 精彩片段3 - 超急任務篇.

↓MIB星際戰警3 - 精彩片段4 - 星際戰車篇.

↓MIB星際戰警3 - 幕後花絮1.

↓MIB星際戰警3 - 幕後花絮2 - 雙K篇.

↓MIB星際戰警3 - 幕後花絮3 -J探員.

↓MIB星際戰警3 - 幕後花絮4 - 外星人出沒注意.


↓最後送上MIB星際戰警3的主題曲,夜店天王嘻哈鬥牛梗Pitbull演唱的"Back in time",歌詞有融入了電影的元素,K、J探員都出來了~


Back in time - Pitbull
作詞/作曲:Armando C. Perez、Mickey Baker、Urales Vargas、Ellas McDaniels、Marc Kinchen、Adrian Trejo、Sylvia Robinson


Let's excuse me baby
Go, yeah you baby
Back, ooh you groovy baby
In, let's make a movie baby
Time, excuse me baby
Let's, yeah you baby
Go, ooh you groovy baby
Back in, let's make a movie baby

It's Mr Worldwide, Agent A, Reporting live
From Cape Canaveral, MK, Big Syphe, let's ride

Back, back, in, in, time

Baby, ohhh baby
Ohhh baby, my sweet baby
You're the one

Miami equals black mask, black clothes
With a little bit of rope to tie, I flipped it
Black suits, white shirts, black glasses with a matching tie
Like Agent J or Agent K, and I wish the whole world would
Ok, i'm tryin' make a billion out of 15 cents
Understand, understood
I'm a go-getter, mover, shaker, culture, bury a boarder, record-breaker won't cha
Give credit where credit is due don't cha
Know that I don't give a number two
Y'all just halfway thoughts
Not worth the back of my mind
But to understand the future we have to go back in time

Baby, ohhh baby
Ohhh baby, my sweet baby
You're the one

I got the globe, yeah, in the palm of my hand
Wherever I spin it, that's where I land
Let's save the world
Men In Black I know you understand
Stop the movement, they can try if they want to
Ignorar lo latino, si, they can try if they want to
What Pit solves is a bit raw
Took like jigsaw and built it all
Despite a big loss, I'd bet it all
And fought blind against the world, Ray Charles
Y'all just halfway thoughts
Not worth the back of my mind
But to understand the future, we have to go back in time

Baby, ohhh baby
Ohhh baby, my sweet baby
You're the one

Let's excuse me baby
Go, yeah you baby
Back, ooh you groovy baby
In, let's make a movie baby
Time, excuse me baby
Let's, yeah you baby
Go, ooh you groovy baby
Back in, let's make a movie baby

Baby, ohhh baby
Ohhh baby, my sweet baby
You're the one


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